Notre-Dame on fire
Notre-Dame Brûle directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud is relating from the inside the Notre-Dame de Paris fire of April 2019. Our Parisian teams, supervised by Hugues Namur and Loriane Lucas, produced more than 350 VFX shots and allowed for a faithful reconstruction of this event that made the news around the world.
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Overall VFX Supervisor
Laurens Ehrmann
MPC VFX Supervisors
Hugues Namur, Lise Fischer
MPC CG Supervisor
Florian Wolf

The collaboration on this film was fantastic! Lise Fischer, Hugues Namur and their team at MPC Paris and Pierre Jury and his team at THE YARD did an incredible job and it was a real pleasure to work with them. We had regular discussions about how to shoot and how to respect the director’s vision. Everything went very well.”
Laurens Ehrmann, Overall VFX Supervisor